Highways Agency Coatings

Technical assistance, product support and guidance are all available, just give us a call on 01937 586311, email us at uksales@newguardcoatings.com or use our Chat/Messaging system. We’re here to help you.

The following is a list of our Highways Agency approved products, available through PPG Protective & Marine Coatings.

Highways Agency Item Number

PPG Approved Product

109 SigmaZinc 109 HS
110 Sigma EP 110 Primer
111 Sigma EP 111 Primer
112 Sigma EP 112 Miocoat
115 SigmaCover 690
116 SigmaCover 456 HS
123 SigmaShield 460
150 SigmaCover 300
155 Sigma Etch
159 Sigma EP 159 Sealer
160 Sigma EP 160 Primer
162 Sigma PU 162 Miocoat
167 SigmaDur 540
168 SigmaDur 550
169 SigmaDur 520
185 PSX 700

View Highways Agency Product Guide

If you would like technical support, pricing information or to discuss these products in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact us or alternatively request a call-back using our Chat system below.